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If you have experience in education or training, or are keen to pass on your knowledge of lifesaving, why not enquire about joining your Club’s Education Team.

Surf Life Saving has several key roles for volunteers involved in member training.

If you are interested in joining your Education Team, speak to your Chief Training Officer or Branch Director of Education about the current opportunities.


Trainers teach the skills and knowledge of our courses but do not make assessment decisions.

They take course participants through their learner journey as per the latest SLS Delivery and Assessment Guides, and help prepare them for assessment events.

They also play a large role in ensuring new members feel welcome and safe at their SLSC.

The SLSNSW Training Officer Certificate (TOC) provides members with the skills and knowledge required to professionally train SLS awards and nationally recognised units of competency using SLSA and SLSNSW resources, as well as follow the SLSNSW Member Training and Education Standard Operating Procedures (aka SLSNSW Education SOPs).

The TOC allows members to train other SLS members in the role of Training Officer for the award SLSNSW endorses them to deliver. Proficiency in this award is renewed each year by completing all items on the TAF Re-Endorsement Checklist which helps trainers follow the SLSNSW Education SOPs.

Upon successful completion, members also qualify for the following nationally recognised units of competency:

  1. TAEDEL311 Provide work skill instruction
  2. BSBCMM411 Make presentations

Entry Requirements:

  • Financial Member
  • Proficient in the SLS Award you wish to train
  • Meet suitability requirements
    • be proficient in the award(s) in which you wish to train
    • have held the award(s) for a minimum of 12 months
    • commit to attending the virtual classroom sessions
    • have access to reliable internet, a laptop/computer and a video recording device (e.g. smartphone)
    • have an SLS Members Area account for accessing the SLS Document Library
    • hold the required digital literacy skills, specifically including viewing PDFs, using Microsoft Word to complete templates, conducting online research and navigating the internet
    • possess a minimum of Year 10 level of literacy and numeracy skills
    • share our commitment to strong ethics and professional principles around fairness, equality, inclusion and diversity.
  • Commitment to:
    • maintaining your proficiency in the SLS award you wish to train
    • maintaining currency in the latest units of competency and/or qualification you wish to train
    • training at least one SLS award annually
    • participating in professional development activities for SLSNSW trainers

Course duration is a minimum of 6 weeks. This comprises a new self-paced online learning module released each week for 4 weeks, 2 virtual training sessions and 3 practical assessment tasks.

Program outline

Refer to the SLSNSW TOC Program Outline for more information.

Upcoming Courses





Assessors are responsible for assessing participants once they have the skills and knowledge required, but cannot train and assess the same participants.

They arrive at assessment events to determine the competency outcome of course participants then complete each participant’s assessment portfolio to award them with both the SLS award and any aligned units of competency, e.g., The SLS Bronze Medallion and the Certificate II Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue).

Assessors participate in training and assessment that provides them with the certified skills and knowledge required to assess SLS awards and nationally recognised units of competency using SLSA and SLSNSW resources.

In line with the latest SLSNSW Assessor and Facilitator Training Strategy, SLSNSW can financially support a pre-determined number of members to undertake this training with an external Registered Training Organisation.

Upon successful completion of training and assessment, members qualify for the following nationally recognised units of competency that form part of the TAESS00019 Assessor Skillset (the minimum qualification required for assessors within the VET Sector):

  1. TAEDES411 Use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational training needs
  2. TAEASS412 Assess competence
  3. TAEASS413 Participate in assessment validation

Entry Requirements:

  • Financial Member
  • Proficient in the SLS Award you wish to assess
  • Meet suitability requirements
    • be proficient in the award(s) in which you wish to train
    • have held the award(s) for a minimum of 12 months
    • commit to attending the virtual classroom sessions
    • have access to reliable internet, a laptop/computer and a video recording device (e.g. smartphone)
    • have an SLS Members Area account for accessing the SLS Document Library
    • hold the required digital literacy skills, specifically including viewing PDFs, using Microsoft Word to complete templates, conducting online research and navigating the internet
    • possess a minimum of Year 10 level of literacy and numeracy skills
    • share our commitment to strong ethics and professional principles around fairness, equality, inclusion and diversity.
  • Accept terms and conditions for any subsidised funding opportunities available at the time of course commencement
  • Commitment to:
    • maintaining your proficiency in the SLS award you wish to assess
    • maintaining currency in the latest units of competency and/or qualification you wish to assess
    • assessing at least one SLS award annually
    • participating in professional development activities for SLSNSW assessors
Upcoming Courses

Let your SLSNSW Branch Director of Education know you want to receive an application form when the next course intake opens.



Facilitators can train or assess course participants.

They can also train and assess the same participants for any one course if they are endorsed to do so by their club and/or branch.

This is helpful when more than one club comes together to deliver courses to larger groups of members, and for smaller clubs that may only have one person available to train and assess members.

Facilitators participate in training and assessment that provides them with the certified skills and knowledge required to both train and assess the same course participants completing SLS awards and nationally recognised units of competency using SLSA and SLSNSW resources.

Members with the latest Certificate IV Training and Assessment are also eligible to perform in other SLS roles, such as Delegated Facilitators supporting Endorsed Assessors.

In line with the latest SLSNSW Assessor and Facilitator Training Strategy, SLSNSW can financially support a pre-determined number of members to undertake this training with an external Registered Training Organisation.

Upon successful completion of training and assessment, members obtain the following 5 units of competency and qualify for the equivalent of a TAE40116 Certificate IV Training and Assessment:

  1. TAEDES401 Design and develop learning programs
  2. TAEDES402 Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs
  3. TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
  4. TAEDEL401 Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
  5. TAEDEL402 Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace

Entry Requirements:

  • Financial Member
  • Minimum Age of 17 years
  • Proficient in the SLS Award you wish to train and assess
  • Currently endorsed as a Trainer
  • Currently endorsed as an Assessor
  • Meet suitability requirements
  • Accept terms and conditions for any subsidised funding opportunities available at the time of course commencement
  • Commitment to:
    • maintaining your proficiency in the SLS award you wish to train and assess
    • maintaining currency in the latest units of competency related to the units and/or qualifications you wish to train and assess
    • facilitating at least one SLS award annually
    • participating in professional development activities for SLSNSW facilitators.

Course duration varies depending on the delivery format available, which is usually fully self-paced or a blended delivery module.  Most members complete the training over 6-8 days plus self-paced learning within a 3-month period.

Upcoming Courses

Let your SLSNSW Branch Director of Education know you want to receive an application form when the next course intake opens.

Endorsed Assessors

Endorsed assessors support delegated Assessors and Facilitators by acting as industry experts collecting assessment evidence under the SLSNSW Supervisory framework.

Steps to become a Trainer, Endorsed Assessor, Assessor or Facilitator ('TAF')

After letting your club's Chief Training Officer know that you wish to join your local education team, you will be paired with an endorsed TAF who will help and guide you through the following endorsement process to train and/or assess SLS courses in NSW. Please note that these steps are designed to be completed in order to ensure a smooth journey on the way to becoming a TAF.

Do you hold the latest SLS award you want to train and/or assess?

Do you hold the latest units of competency aligned with that SLS award, as shown on the SLS Education Pathways webpage?

  • If yes – You are eligible to proceed to TAF Endorsement Step 2.
  • If no – Contact your Club Chief Training Officer or Branch Director of Education to learn how you can progress through step 1.


  • Some members may need to complete an ‘RPL Assessment’ to obtain the latest units of competency if they were not present during some past award upgrades.
  • Some high-risk and/or less frequently delivered SLS awards may only be delivered by SLS Facilitators, e.g., First Aid, SMAR, SMPC.
  • For more information about what SLS awards align to units of competency, click the picture below to view the SLSNSW Education Pathways webpage.

Do you hold the units of competency required to train and/or assess units of competency?

Have you completed a Trainer, Assessor or Facilitator course through SLSNSW?

  • If yes – You are eligible to proceed to TAF Endorsement Step 3.
  • If no – Contact your Club Chief Training Officer or Branch Director of Education to learn how you can progress through step 2.


  • SLSNSW can provide recognition of prior learning pathways to achieve the required units of competency.
  • See the information available on each TAF role at the top of this webpage to review what units of competency are required for each role and what information is available about the next TAF course coming up.

Are you required to have a Working With Children Check (WWCC)?

If required, do you have a WWCC?

Is your WWCC recorded in SurfGuard?

  • If not needed or you have obtained a WWCC – You are eligible to proceed to TAF Endorsement Step 4.
  • If not sure – contact your Club Chief Training Officer or Branch Director of Education to learn how you can progress through step 3.


  • You are required to obtain a current WWCC if you are likely to volunteer directly with children under the age of 18, unless your role falls within one of the scheme’s defined exemptions.
    Please refer to SLSNSW Working With Children Check Requirements for further clarification.
  • Your Club Chief Training Officer or Branch Director of Education can help add your WWCC records into SurfGuard.

Can you see a Probationary TAF award in your Awards List?

Can you access the restricted SLS education resources from the SLSNSW Training Resources webpage?

  • If yes – You are eligible to proceed to TAF Endorsement Step 5.
  • If no – Contact your Branch Director of Education to learn how you can progress through step 4.


  • At this point in your endorsement journey, SLSNSW will add your Probationary TAF award to your SurfGuard records. This award grants you access to restricted SLS education resources in the SLS Members Area Document Library, such as the SLS course delivery and assessment guides that includes answers to the latest assessment questions.
  • Take some time before your first course is scheduled to familiarise yourself with the latest training resources available.
  • During this time, your club Chief Training Officer or Branch Director of Education will also contact you to inform you when you will be training and/or assessing.

For each SLS award that you want to train and/or asses…

Have you trained and/or assessed with an ‘ Endorsed TAF’?

Have you and your Branch Director of Education completed the TAF Endorsement Kit?

  • If yes – Congratulations and many thanks! SLSNSW will add the relevant TAF award to your SurfGuard records. Your Chief Training Officer or Branch Director of Education will contact you to discuss how you can be involved in your local region’s course calendar moving forward.
  • If no – Contact your Branch Director of Education to learn how you can progress through the final step 5.


  • Depending on which SLS awards you seek TAF endorsement and your local course calendar, this step may occur over one or two patrol seasons.
  • During this time, your TAF mentor(s) will connect you with your wider education team, and deepen your understanding of the SLSNSW Training and Education SOPs. They will also walk you through any restricted course resources to help you increase your confidence when training and/or assessing the courses. They will also outline the annual TAF re-endorsement requirements that take place after you become a TAF.
  • If you are a returning TAF from prior to 2021, SLSNSW strongly encourages you to complete the BM Online Induction v2021 if you wish to be endorsed as a Bronze Medallion TAF. This online training is available within the SLS eLearning Menu as shown below (SLSNSW Training Category).


Support Available

  • Probationary TAFS are guided through each step of the SLSNSW TAF endorsement Process during co-delivery which supports them in becoming knowledgeable and confident members of their training and education team.
  • Other TAFs in your network are available to support you. They may be at your SLSC or another.
  • Delegated Facilitators directly or indirectly support and supervise Endorsed Assessors.
  • Chief Training Officers are the main source of support for TAFs at their club as well as the key point of contact between the club and the branch on education-related matters.
  • Branch Directors of Education support CTOs to maintain a high and consistent standard in education and ensure their Branches and Surf Life Saving Clubs comply with Surf Life Saving / RTO policies and procedures.

If you have any further questions about the support available or joining the Education Team, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the SLSNSW Training and Education Team (