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After extreme weather forced postponement last week and raising more than $335,000 in its first three years, the Head Above Water 24 Hour Swimathon returns to Collaroy Rockpool this weekend, looking to raise more valuable funds for mental fitness programs across the Northern Beaches.

The 2022 swim begins at 9am on Saturday, March 12 and finishes at 9am the following day. There are four lanes to cater for all levels of swimming ability and people can choose to swim as many or as few laps as they like. Every swimmer can raise money via their own sponsorship page or can form a team.

Over the last three years, Head Above Water has partnered with Gotcha4Life, founded by TV and Radio personality, Gus Worland, to help fund mental fitness workshops, presentations and training including Man Anchor, Tomorrow Man and Tomorrow Woman. The event has also directly funded courses from the Sit (formerly Meditation for Men) and Peerhear telehealth services.

From 2018 to 2021, over 270 programs have been facilitated, reaching 8,750 men, women, boys and girls across Northern Beaches schools, sports clubs, businesses and community groups. This work helps people to strive for a healthier and more meaningful life, while addressing the tragic reality that eight people in Australia lose their life to suicide every day.

“The Head Above Water swim is one of the best 24 hours our community can experience,” Gotcha4Life founder, Gus Worland said.

“With so much money and awareness raised, it’s an amazing day and it’s just the start of a beautiful partnership between Head Above Water and Gotcha4Life.”

Every donation assists in creating meaningful connections and makes a positive difference throughout the community. Every $40 raised funds a participant to attend a workshop, every $75 raised funds a 1-hour session with a qualified counsellor, every $700 raised funds a 6-week meditation course and every $4,000 raised funds two, 50-person workshops.

Head Above Water is an activity-based fundraising group on a mission to build mentally fit communities. Founded in response to the high rate of suicide on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and the mental health challenges faced by many in the community, Head Above Water believes that harnessing the power of a positive, supportive network is the most effective way we can make a difference.

Wednesday 9 March 2022