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Beachgoers in the Tweed Shire region will benefit from the professionalism and experience of the Australian Lifeguard Service (ALS) for a further four years following confirmation of a contract extension.

The Tweed region’s reputation as a premium tourism destination continues to grow each year thanks to easy access, relaxed atmosphere, and abundance of beaches.

It’s a popular area for visitors from both Queensland, New South Wales and further afield and ensuring that everyone is safe on the area’s beaches is a top priority for Tweed Shire Council.

ALS NSW Manager Brent Manieri believes that the announcement of this contract extension is a huge win for beachgoers in the area.

“This extension is a vote of confidence in the ALS, and we are very much looking forward to continuing our work with Council in delivering a first class and professional lifeguarding service to the community and visitors of the Tweed Shire.

“Council’s commitment to water safety should be commended. This extension has been based on the very best information from a variety of stakeholders, and this new contract ensures that visitors and locals alike will now have more choice about where to swim during what are sure to be busy summers ahead,” Mr Manieri said.

Among the key features of the new agreement;

• ALS NSW will provide lifeguards for a further four-year period with the new contract period commencing from September 2017;

• Beginning in 2017/18 contract period, Kingscliff Beach will be patrolled for 7 months and will have a Rescue Water Craft capable of responding to emergencies along the coast; and

• Also beginning in 2017/18 Duranbah Beach will be patrolled for the duration of summer (December through February).

The existing agreement will remain for the 2016/17 summer with lifeguards from the ALS returning to Tweed in the September school holidays.

Additionally in another sign of the region’s popularity as a tourism destination, Tweed Coast Holiday Parks have once again agreed to provide lifeguard patrols over the Christmas and Easter school holiday period at North Kingscliff ensuring this stretch of coastline has an excellent coverage of service.


Tuesday 26 July 2016