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Jacinta Felsch-Crane has been championing the Surf Life Saving Safeguarding Children and Young People program from her club, Ballina Lighthouse & Lismore SLSC. She is one of our inspirational members we're profiling this week as part of National Volunteers Week. 

How long have you been involved with Surf Life Saving? 

About five years now at Ballina Lighthouse & Lismore Surf Life Saving Club.

What was it that enticed you to join?  

My children joining Nippers; I wanted to be active with my kids and their involvement with starting Nippers. I completed my Bronze Medallion so I could also do water safety and help out. To me, it was important to set an example for my kids about the importance of giving and volunteering to help others.

Have you been involved in a rescue? 

Yes on a couple of occasions. Once I swam out with the rescue tube to assist someone back to shore. Other times I have waited on the beach as a first aid officer to assess the patient when they have been brought back in to shore. I have also helped in a search for a missing swimmer by providing food and support to others while they search for the missing swimmer. You don’t have to be out in the water to be part of a rescue, everyone’s role is important during an incident.

What's one of the most inspirational or memorable things that you've witnessed either within your club or on patrol?  

Once my patrol assisted a man with a disability down to the beach so he could feel the water with his feet. It meant so much to him. Something as simple as putting his feet in the ocean. It was wonderful to be a part of a team helping someone experience something so many of us take for granted.  

Why is volunteering as a surf lifesaver important to you? 

To give back to the community, to support others and to be a role model to my children. I want to continually emphasise to them the importance of contributing your time and skills to help others.  

Why do you continue to volunteer? 

It feels good to do it, to be at the beach and knowing you’re keeping people safe. You’re also learning so much while doing it.

It is special time with my family especially when they come down to the beach to help me set up or pack up our patrol. Being part of the club is like having an extended family who are all so compassionate about beach safety and the safety of the community.

We're in a time where we're getting serious about member protection, why is the Surf Life Saving Safeguarding program so important for our volunteers? 

Children are our future. We know from history and research that they need to be nurtured, supported and feel safe to enable them to transform into confident and happy young adults, with strong skills of resilience, compassion and hope.

One word to describe the feeling you get from being a surf lifesaver.




Wednesday 22 May 2019